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  1. 2 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Let’s see if I can organize some of the information into bite-sized pieces. I should mention I’ve only used Kindle for my ebooks.

    1. You should go to the library and ask for instruction on how to use whatever ebook system they have. I double that suggestion for audiobooks if you are fond of listening to books. That’s a very economical option to enjoy things that you don’t really want to keep forever.

    2. As for the Kindle stuff, most kinds of computers, phones, and tablets have a place where you can download the Kindle app. That’s where you start.

    All my Kindle books have come from amazon. Some Kindle books are set up to only work with the Kindle software and some of them are published in a way that the files can be read by other reader apps. I haven’t messed with those other readers yet.

    So you can start off with whatever device you have, get the Kindle app and find a book to buy or maybe a free one to upload.

    For years I just used my phone or an Android tablet. I had an old Fire tablet and I used it for a while then stopped. I put it the reader on my Windows computer too but seldom read from the computer. Last year my husband got me a dedicated Kindle reader for my birthday. I like it a lot although I’m still having to go online and look how to move through the interface at times. Mostly I have trouble getting out of a book once it’s done.

    The advantage of the dedicated Kindle reader is that it has a very long battery life and can be adjusted to minimize eye strain. I can also adjust the text size so I can read in bed without my glasses. The phone works almost as well but it makes my hand cramp up eventually. I don’t have that problem with the Kindle reader.

  2. 4 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Sadly, it will also bring out the scammers. First they will say they found your pet in the area. When you respond they’ll say it needs surgery and to send money.

    So the correct answer from me pet owner is to request that they send you the microchip number and if they don’t you’re reporting them to the federal authorities. I actually think some of the scammers are out of other countries so that might scare them

  3. 7 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Well, I can say over a dozen cats can fit under an RV couch during a relocation drive across the country. They all put aside their various squabbles with each other and hunkered down.

    We thought Bracticus was going to stay out with us as we drove. He sauntered up, jumped onto the wide dash of the RV and stretched out. As we were crossing the Mississippi, he glanced out the passenger side window and saw other vehicles moving alongside us. He literally did a double take and looked at me as if to say, “Did you see that!” Then he took a second look and abruptly decided to join all the other cats under the couch.

  4. 8 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    She must be from the family of cats with the last name “Plopicatis”. We have a Braticus Plopicatis.

  5. 8 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Fluffy and the Fly Away Fly by Vada F Carlson

  6. 8 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Two of our torties have had a single white whisker. Right now we have a solid black cat who lived a rough life as a roaming tom. He has a white whisker. Ok, he also has some white hairs in his coat. Poor old man cat has lots of scars, somewhat splayed feet, and some muscle/tendon damage to his back end. He stands and moves like a car with bad rear shocks.

  7. 9 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    The cat which is my avatar is a feral cat near a barbecue place I sometimes go to. I tried to approach her but she wouldn’t have anything to do with me. When I showed her picture to my husband he was a little sad that she hadn’t wanted to come back with me. It’s not like we don’t have more than enough house cats, but something so beautiful would have been welcome.

  8. 9 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Interesting. In the 10+ years I have been reluctantly using CVS, their online system and their apps have never worked for me. I tried the website again a few days ago knowing that they had upgraded, and for the first time everything worked. All that needed was my phone number and my date of birth to go along with my pre-existing email. And yes a confirmation text code. I’m not quite brave enough to try the app as I don’t want to be disappointed or worse yet mess up the online site data. I’m pretty sure over the years I tried using at least three distinct non-functional versions of whatever they had put out there for us. They were just functional enough for me to know they weren’t talking to each other and only 20% at best.

    If you are in a pinch, I would suggest trying their automated phone system to place orders. I did that for years and it worked fairly well, certainly much better than their app or online offerings. You can manually put in the prescription number via the phone system and it finds it even if it can’t find it automatically.

  9. 10 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Tell your grandson not to take this to heart. Employment is just a situation to be managed. The quality of one’s work seldom has any correlation with keeping a job or losing it. I’m speaking as someone with decades that encompass a number of times being laidoff and even a couple of firings. When managers decide who to cut, the reasons aren’t always sensible or smart. I find it best to accept the situation and look forward, never backwards.

    Now is a good time to evaluate whether he should shift professions. Sometimes we have skills that transfer into other Industries. Sometimes we have skills that are in demand and we don’t need this shift. In any case I think he will find something that will be better, even if he has to take a few stopgap jobs before he reaches that point.

    I’ve been laid off before holidays, mostly it just makes me wish I hadn’t spent so much on gifts I’ve already bought.

    A lot of us put a great deal of emotional identity into the job we do. That’s one of the traps of being unemployed -we often aren’t entirely sure who we are anymore. If he needs a reminder, just help him to see he is not his job. His knowledge, skills, and work ethic are still his. And he can loan them out to the next employer who needs them. More importantly he still has his potential to use as best suits him.

    And of course the other challenge is the financial one. All I can say is evaluate the situation, and come up with a plan that is doable even if it isn’t optimal at this time. He’ll get through this.

  10. 11 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    azkfwecho, I think you can get almost all of that stuff on an app now. I know the local stuff has apps for the most part and I think the big networks do too. So you don’t need the TV channels you just need the Internet