TCM is doing a Sunday with Carol Burnett feature this month. Last Sunday they showed Gone with the Wind followed by Carol’s Went with the Wind skit and a conversation with Carol.
Because the tradition used to be that the celebration was from Christmas through the 12 days of Christmas – Jan 6, Epiphany, the day the Magi arrived to adore the Child.
Years ago, idiot calls local radio station to ask if he can get to a casino, 50 miles away, in middle of a blizzard. Radio host: No,no travel is advised. Roads are blocked. Pause. How about another casino, 50 miles in the opposite direction. Exasperated host: What don’t you get about NO TRAVEL ADVISED?
TCM is doing a Sunday with Carol Burnett feature this month. Last Sunday they showed Gone with the Wind followed by Carol’s Went with the Wind skit and a conversation with Carol.