Hey, when foundlings are found in this strip, they STAY found!
Hoogy is game, and husband Rover,a “foundling” himself,is no doubt already on board.
How do we explain the absence of the natural parents? Except for Phyllis, death usually takes place off camera(Pert, Nina’s parents). Maybe they drowned in a vat of boiling hot corn likker.
Former here—who knows when you can get me again—-my computer won’t send out my posts—I get a red blinking house or lantern with"erase thiscomment".No clear flag.
Well,we’re wrapping it up. Sprocket will end up i n Cuba, kidnapped by Dishonest John.And anybody who didn’t get THAT joke is drummed off the site.
Wondering where we go from here. Been busy on WIKI/FANDOM—-anybody remember E.Kent Hardly,the attempt to make a “second BO Plenty”?
former here,finally got back in on someone else’s computer.Sorry for your loss—-my mother 99 and mentally alert,but an old broken hip is kicking up.
Hey, when foundlings are found in this strip, they STAY found!
Hoogy is game, and husband Rover,a “foundling” himself,is no doubt already on board.
How do we explain the absence of the natural parents? Except for Phyllis, death usually takes place off camera(Pert, Nina’s parents). Maybe they drowned in a vat of boiling hot corn likker.
Anyway,that kid is STAYING.