I recall hearing a bit on the Dr. Demento show many years ago where some comedians reworked the entire “Who’s on First” routine using the The Who, The Guess Who, and Yes… It was brilliant and I have never been able to find it since I first heard it in the early eighties… I suspect Mr. Pastis also was a fan of Dr. D…
T-rump created the inflation that Biden inherited – but half the country doesn’t understand that.
Clinton handed Bush an economy with a surplus but then Bush started two un-winnable wars and handed a crappy economy to Obama.
T-rump was later handed a stable economy from Obama and tanked it. It took Biden 3 + years to get it under control only to hand it back to the T-rump. His tariffs will and deportation dream will tank the economy and only profit the prison-industrial-complex which they have all invested heavily in.
Cruz will soon be diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes…