When my little brother and sister (And I suppose me as well) were younger, my grandpa would always go “MMM! MMM! MMM!” every time he crewed his food, and then my siblings started doing it too… It was very cute to hear a four and one year-old kid making the same noise whenever they’d eat. It didn’t even get annoying, surprisingly…
And this is where, in an argument over something that doesn’t actually matter, Hammie says “I don’t want to” rather than “Can’t”. Because he’s physically capable of telling Zoe what it was, but if he doesn’t want to tell her, then he doesn’t have to. lolol
Unfortunately, as someone who has extremely thick hair like Zoe, I can testify that if I tried, I only made it worse… Thankfully my dad loves brushing hair, so it was never a fight between my parents who was going to brush my hair. :)
When my little brother and sister (And I suppose me as well) were younger, my grandpa would always go “MMM! MMM! MMM!” every time he crewed his food, and then my siblings started doing it too… It was very cute to hear a four and one year-old kid making the same noise whenever they’d eat. It didn’t even get annoying, surprisingly…