The only ones that would have saved Francis were 2, 5, 7, 10, 12. The probability that he gets a 2 is 1/36, the probability of a 5 is 4/36, the probability of 7 is 6/36, the probability of 10 is 3/36, and the probability of a 12 is 1/36. Summing up these mutually exclusive events, the probability that he doesn’t land on Nate’s probability is 15/36, or approximately 42% of the time.
A but also i use light mode a lot since most non-educational sites are white and the ambient color doesnt change drastically if i switch from gocomics light mode to, say, google docs, but it is very noticable when switching from gocomics dark mode to google docs. either way, the option sounds great.
Especially weeks.