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  1. 4 days ago on Joey Weatherford

    And then accuse President Biden of stealing the coin.

  2. 4 days ago on Rob Rogers


  3. 4 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    Projection, that is the word you need to look up.

    Or, you are just a silly person trying to get people mad with your multiple nonsense comments.

    The pandemic was the thing that ended up killing over 1 million Americans because an orange clown thought the best way to deal with it was to lie about it (listen to the tapes of his conversations with Woodward). I will point out that the pandemic was very real in the right wing “media” when it hit NYC in the beginning, and folks like you could point out how blue states were bad at dealing with it. Once the death tolls in the red states started far outpacing those in the blue states, the narrative changed to “what pandemic.” Just how many tens of thousands of people died because they would not bear the minor inconvenience of wearing a mask or the momentary discomfort of getting a vaccine shot? Because every single one of those deaths is the responsibility of that orange clown, and of people like you that help to perpetuate his lies.

  4. 4 days ago on Mike Beckom

    We have a gender neutral bathroom in my office, and most people use it as a place to have some privacy. None of our full time employees are trans or non-binary, but we do bring in temporary workers several times a year. As the trainer of these temps, I have been told by multiple LGBTQ people how much more comfortable they feel working at our site because of the gender neutral bathroom. What is wrong with that? Why do you have to try to make the eliminating of waste a culture war issue that forces people to be uncomfortable?

    Two other points: If you use public bathrooms, you have been in a bathroom at some point with a trans person or a non-binary person. Did it in any way negatively affect your ability to eliminate waste?Trans people are trans people, sexual predators are sexual predators. Stop this bs of trying to conflate the two.

  5. 6 days ago on Dana Summers

    Um, watch the last State of the Union Address to see President Biden speaking coherently. Or, just not watch selectively edited videos of him to watch him speaking coherently.

    If you want to see someone not making sense, please spend some time at a rally for the orange clown. You’ll get to hear about a fictional character from a great movie over 30 years old or about a delusional conversation with a fictional person about choosing electrocution or being eaten by a shark. Please, find me an example of President Biden spewing such nonsense.

    Yet another example of trumpublican projection today, you guys are tirelessly repetitive.

  6. 6 days ago on Henry Payne

    Please see Joel Pett’s comic today for a non-delusional prediction for the debate.

    My nature, how can the above comic make sense to anyone not in a cult?

  7. 6 days ago on Jack Ohman

    Before I start, I am not a lawyer. I would welcome an explanation as to why my thoughts that Judge Cannon should recuse herself because of what seems to me a reasonable questioning of her impartiality based on everything she is doing is an incorrect understanding of the rules.

    It seems to me that she is trying to postpone this case until after the election so that the orange clown can order the Justice Department to end it (if the worst happens and he wins), which seems a reasonable questioning of her impartiality.

    Or, she may be using the delay tactic to get it past the election so that if the orange clown does not win, she can just toss it out once she has no choice but to seat a jury. After which, if I understand correctly, there is nothing the Justice Department can do about it. A reasonable questioning of both her motives and impartiality, I think.

    The guy stole top secret information and stored it behind some door locks and maybe a pad lock or two. I don’t think it is going out on a limb to think that our enemies found out about this before the FBI got these documents back and has all that information. What about this case is not urgent? And what about it does not demonstrate how completely unfit the orange clown is to be president?

  8. 6 days ago on Joe Heller

    Bring on the comments from all the people stuck in panel one, who are so certain they know more than the experts.

    As I have said many times before, if you have the proof that man made climate change is not real, publish those findings. If, after peer review, your findings are indeed agreed upon by the scientific community to disprove man made climate change you will be guaranteed a Nobel. Posting comments here won’t get that Nobel, so get in the lab and then write that paper.

  9. 6 days ago on Eric Allie

    When did projection become the only thing that trumpublicans can do? The right is clearly the side in the US that has been taken over by extremists. See January 6th 2021 and the way all elected trumpublicans speak about it today for the only proof you need of that.

  10. 6 days ago on Clay Bennett

    I’m not a fan of seeing someone I generally agree with even joke about violence. The followers of the orange clown are the ones constantly calling for violence against those with whom they disagree, and we should show that we are above that please.