Large screenshot 2024 07 04 at 8.30.01 pm

bobbyburns89 Free

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Recent Comments

  1. about 1 month ago on Baby Blues


  2. about 1 month ago on Baby Blues

    look at wrens face

  3. 2 months ago on Baby Blues

    in my relationship???? im 14 and have been thru sh** u prolly only read is dam books. the fact that ur not even asking any questions about me but jumping to conclusions, again, speaks numbers to who you are. i do not normally jump to conlusions like the di**head u are, but it is clear to say you are an opinionated POS who’s mother does not love, and live in your sisters basement with a smelly anime girlfriend.

  4. 2 months ago on Baby Blues

    bro what i was reading randoms and looked at the comment and found that blasphemous statement. something must be wrong with you, because you seem nothing less than a stupid b**ch wanting to get attention from a community of people of whom would just like to enjoy a comic, for whatever reason that may be. the fact that you chose to make that terrible comment over a f**king comic strip speaks numbers to who you are, and how you got schooled by a f**king high-schooler.

  5. 2 months ago on Baby Blues


  6. 2 months ago on Baby Blues

    This reminds me of Jingle All The Way

  7. 2 months ago on Baby Blues

    well, they are prevalent everywhere so to sit and complain about something that you clearly find some form of satisfaction reading is quite frankly absurd. It’s basically like saying you hate air because it keeps you alive. without those “crude” jokes, BB wouldn’t be the same. And the funny thing is, you’re probably like 35 and I’m a teen and do not think a farting joke is too inappropriate.

  8. 2 months ago on Baby Blues

    you’re also forgetting that that’s Ham’s whole personality. its not lazy, but good channeling of the character to get a rather classic, nostalgic gag. i don’t see you commenting on the plethora of gags where Zoe tattles, or where Wanda complains about parenting. for some comics that do not have characters accustomed to certain actions, those ‘toot’ jabs may be lazy, but not for BB.

  9. 2 months ago on Baby Blues

    STEPBROOOOO (last scene)

  10. 2 months ago on Baby Blues

    or MAYBE they actually love each other because they are SIBLINGs. also, rerun.