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  1. 1 day ago on Nancy Classics

    Now she’s a pot head.

  2. 1 day ago on Nancy Classics

    I had forgotten that Nancy was a hardened vandal back in those days.

  3. 1 day ago on Nancy Classics

    Where do you think Marietta got the idea? ;-)

  4. 1 day ago on Nancy Classics

    Back in those days folks apparently kept forgetting what the little building in the back yard was for.

  5. 1 day ago on Nancy Classics

    Back in the early days of trademarks, when you didn’t have to pay someone thousands of dollars to come up with a unique, catchy name for your new business.

  6. 10 days ago on Nancy Classics

    There seems to have been a plentiful supply of bass drums within arm’s reach back in those days.

  7. 10 days ago on Nancy Classics

    I asked a friend of mine, ChatGPT, and he said “The term “teller” for bank employees originates from the Old English word “tellan,” which means “to count or to recount.” Historically, a teller was someone who counted money, dealt with financial transactions, and kept accounts in order. Over time, the role became specifically associated with banking, where the primary duties involved handling and counting money, leading to the modern use of the term “teller” to describe a bank employee who performs these tasks.”As if that wasn’t a detailed enough reply, ChatGPT continued, “Someone reading the cartoon strip Nancy might care about why bank employees are called “tellers” if the strip includes a joke, reference, or storyline related to banking, word origins, or a play on the word “teller.” The strip often includes humor that can be subtle, wordplay-based, or rooted in everyday observations. Understanding the origin of the term “teller” might enhance the reader’s appreciation of the joke or reference, making the humor more meaningful. Additionally, Nancy often appeals to readers who enjoy clever, simple, yet thoughtful humor, so a detail like this could resonate with that audience.”

  8. 16 days ago on Nancy Classics

    From the “almost politically incorrect” department…

  9. about 1 month ago on Nancy Classics

    It’s a Studebaker horse.

  10. about 1 month ago on Nancy Classics

    From ChatGPT:

    The idea that kids today do fewer chores compared to previous generations is a common perception, but the evidence on this topic is mixed.

    Surveys and Studies:

    •Some surveys suggest that fewer children today are assigned regular chores. A 2014 study by Braun Research, commissioned by the Whirlpool Corporation, found that while 82% of adults reported having regular chores as children, only 28% of parents said their own children had regular chores.•Additionally, a 2019 poll by The New York Times found that many parents prioritize academic and extracurricular activities over household chores, leading to less emphasis on chores at home.

    Cultural Shifts:

    •There has been a shift in how families approach child-rearing, with more emphasis on education, sports, and other structured activities. This shift could contribute to less time being allocated to traditional household responsibilities.•Technology has also changed the dynamic, with more devices and conveniences reducing the need for certain chores or making them easier and faster to complete.

    Contrasting Views:

    •However, other studies suggest that while the nature of chores may have changed, children are still participating in household work. Tasks like caring for pets, managing personal spaces, and helping with technology-related chores might not be seen as traditional chores but still contribute to household responsibilities.

    In summary, while there’s some evidence that traditional chores may have declined, it’s also likely that the types of tasks children are doing have evolved rather than disappeared entirely.