I went to the funeral for a Shrine Clown. A member of the clown unit of the shriners. All the other clowns wore their decorated tuxedos and red noses. At the end, when the Masons (all Shriners are Masons) lined up to walk past the casket, and recite, “Alas, My Brother”, the shrine clowns all dropped their red noses into the casket.
I never liked Bets anyway. I always felt she was using Gunther for content on her site. When opinion turned against her, she pulled the plug on her site and showed that she cared not for Gunther at all.
When Harlan Ellison was asked “Where do you get your ideas from?” he famously answered “Schenectady.” Ellison was commenting on the absurdity of pinning down a process as ephemeral, multi-dimensional and just plain murky as the origin of an idea. -- https://www.orbitbooks.net/2010/04/16/where-do-you-get-your-ideas/
I went to the funeral for a Shrine Clown. A member of the clown unit of the shriners. All the other clowns wore their decorated tuxedos and red noses. At the end, when the Masons (all Shriners are Masons) lined up to walk past the casket, and recite, “Alas, My Brother”, the shrine clowns all dropped their red noses into the casket.