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  1. over 12 years ago on JumpStart

    @AshburnStadium, unless you spoke to every single black person in the States, “I heard it from black people themselves” is really not valid support. Additionally, what was the purpose of saying “Chuck was redbone too” , it was a complete non sequitur. It pertained to nothing in the article or any of the comments. Did you want to use a new word that you just discovered? Whites in America like to reference “their black friends” as if that would absolve them from racism. It is the same reasoning when whites said that they treated their slaves like family. Because we all have had the opportunity to own and sell our own family members, correct?You need to do more work such as learning about anti-racism and reading and studying black history. An overwhelming number of whites insist on reminding black and brown that they are black and brown. So instead of accessing your stereotypes try treating us like other human beings. You don’t need to spout out vernacular as if you had Tourettes. If you had ever read any black history text you would know that American history in its denial of black achievements, other that the ones they are more comfortable with, reads as if Hitler would have written Jewish history. Try Tim Wise, he is a white anti-racism author, because most people who grow up racist which does not limit itself to the KKK, rarely if ever listen to those who are the recipients of their racism. If you listen to other whites define what is and what is not racism, you might as well listen to the pedophile define what is child molestation.