Well, if you’re old enough to remember, then you probably have been on a European Summer vacation in the early Nineteen-Seventies when Nixon, a sitting ‘REPUBLICAN’ “Precedent” and self-proclaimed: “I’m Not a Crook”, devalued our Dollar and suddenly every $50. Traveller’s check, in your carefully allotted “Traveller’s Check Pack”, was only worth $35. Eh. if you are too ‘young to remember’, you have also joined the Crowd of “Those Who Are Bound To REPEAT-IT Bunch”!!!
Technically, it is, and as such it gives the ‘impression’ that it is what it is . . . ‘Being rowed in circles’! (also: no oar shafts visible off the Portside)
Logically speaking: “From that angle every Portside oarlock should be visible on the right, right to the right of each rower’s right” . . . Right? . . .
How can his hands get That Big . . when he’s only thumbing through the Index . . . ?