Pro-Choice: the political position that advocates that a woman have the freedom to kill her child if it is an inconvenience or responsibility she must otherwise take for her actions, i.e., her irresponsible actions of having sex without using contraceptives, with a man she did not wish to have a child with.
Interesting how the posters here all find fault with Fox News, which just so happens to be the most watched Cable News network out there. Meanwhile, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, etc. just keep LOSING audience share to Fox!
No, a ‘leftist position’ is one that looks upon government programs as the solution to every problem, no matter how wasteful or inefficient that program might be. Leftists don’t care what kind of a hole their programs put the economy in, as long as they can ‘feel good’ that they have done the right thing!
I guess some people have a deep-seated fear of true racial equality. That’s why they keep African-Americans on the Liberal ‘Plantation.’ And Lord help them, if they should try to make it on their own, without help from their liberal ‘friends.’
Sorry good buddy, but there are ALREADY black leaders in the Tea Party movement, like Lloyd Marcus, Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell. Nice try playing the race card, however! LOL
Actually, the Tea Party Movement is nothing more or less than ordinary Americans who are sick & tired of higher taxes, more Govt. regulations & interference in their daily lives, and they want politicians to know it! They are not, in ANY sense of the word, “radicals,” unless “radical” means wanting more freedom to live your own life.
Btw, GT, not ONE time have I heard of members of the Tea Party movement say anything LIKE, “Join us! Join us! Or die!”
Pro-Choice: the political position that advocates that a woman have the freedom to kill her child if it is an inconvenience or responsibility she must otherwise take for her actions, i.e., her irresponsible actions of having sex without using contraceptives, with a man she did not wish to have a child with.