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  1. 5 months ago on Speed Bump

    They still wont accept it—maybe until the nightside is glowing red hot.

  2. 6 months ago on Steve Kelley

    With any luck (and his usual self healthcare routine) that piercing will get infected and fester.

  3. 6 months ago on Mike Luckovich

    Good idea! If nobody has any thermometers, no one will be able to determine how hot or cold it is! Of course healthcare and cooking will suffer, but sacrifices must be made!

  4. 6 months ago on Robert Ariail

    Orwell and Atwood at the same time? The worst of both possible worlds.

  5. 6 months ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    None of the redhats I have interacted with online seem to want any “re-education” to take place. They just want to “win” and mock the victims.

  6. 6 months ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    Many of them expect to be part of the cadre calling the shots. I expect they will be disappointed.

  7. 6 months ago on Mike Luckovich

    Well, it did last three times longer than the confederacy…

  8. 6 months ago on Joe Heller

    What are they supposed to do? Live in drainage channels? Go underground? Die?

  9. 6 months ago on Mike Luckovich

    The 26th Amendment changed that to 18 everywhere. That was in 1971—long before many of the posters here were out of diapers or perhaps even born.

  10. 6 months ago on Steve Breen

    Donald could have used those while nodding off in court.