Two of my three smooth collies are always standing around whenever someone is I the kitchen. Their 12-year-old mother is usually lying on the loveseat in the familyroom.
They don’t call it “tossed” salad for nothing.
Bowls me over
But it grew in the soil, we all have to eat a bit of dirt before we die.
Chickweed Fan over 11 years ago
Two of my three smooth collies are always standing around whenever someone is I the kitchen. Their 12-year-old mother is usually lying on the loveseat in the familyroom.
pekenpug over 11 years ago
They don’t call it “tossed” salad for nothing.
xpurplezebra over 11 years ago
Bowls me over
pcolli over 11 years ago
But it grew in the soil, we all have to eat a bit of dirt before we die.