If you have any ideas about how we can reduce bureaucracy in the workplace, fill out these 150 page suggestion memos in triplicate and submit them to the assistant to the secretary of the administrator of the Department of... Well you get the idea...
pouncingtiger over 12 years ago
Love the Dilbert cameo. (See left)
gosfreikempe over 12 years ago
That sounds like my workplace; they’ve hired so many middle managers that there’s no money to give a raise to the people who actually do the work and meet the customers.
hippogriff over 12 years ago
treesareus: Or you could adopt the Canadian system where all that is done by the nurse in spare time. Plus, as my doctor there said, “I don’t think I practice medicine any differently now that I no longer worry about being paid.”
Koolfunkygrrl over 12 years ago
LOL….remember that movie ‘Office Space’?…..