Real Life Adventures by Gary Wise and Lance Aldrich for July 13, 2015
July 12, 2015
July 14, 2015
Man 1: Want to see some new pictures of my kids? Man 2: You know, I really don't. I've got my own kids. So if I want to look at kids, I'm covered. Thanks, though.
That’s a drawback of smartphones — people can carry around hundreds of boring pictures of their kids, instead of the few they used to carry in their wallets.
aren’t we politically corrupt here???I mean correct…. Way to go…Geez the brats are sitting right next to me at dinner,I don’t need to see them eat a big Mac 2 hrs ago at Macduggals….
ekw555 over 9 years ago
yes, it’s time people figured out: no one else gives two figs for your children.
She Mc over 9 years ago
I thought it was only moms & grannies who did that!
J Short over 9 years ago
How guys really feel about seeing children.
ms-ss over 9 years ago
I keep a picture of my dog handy.
gaslightguy over 9 years ago
After that, photos of our vacation at Disneyworld.
albzort over 9 years ago
His honesty is refreshing.
That’s a drawback of smartphones — people can carry around hundreds of boring pictures of their kids, instead of the few they used to carry in their wallets.
grossvatter over 9 years ago
aren’t we politically corrupt here???I mean correct…. Way to go…Geez the brats are sitting right next to me at dinner,I don’t need to see them eat a big Mac 2 hrs ago at Macduggals….
neverenoughgold over 9 years ago
Most children should be herded and not seen…