Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for December 03, 2019
ambiguous toys ideal gifts for not-all-that-well-behaved children with passive-aggressive parents. mr. factoad watch the kids try to run when mr. factoad starts spewing an endless stream of paintless and unreliable facts! covers history, science, economics, the arts & celebrity biography! there's no off switch and the slightest movement sets him going! hours of relentless fun! toad: the incas had no word for "fidget." beets are an aphrodisiac. toulouse-lautrec was lactose intolerant. my first commute comes with 8 feet of track and over 1700 vehicles! and-uh oh-looks like another semi has tipped over! kid: aagh yawno based on a pile of twigs found in an ancient peruvian burial site! it might have been a game or it might have been just a pile of twigs! unengrossing! the last one paying attention wins! girl: i win. boy: z li'l lumpy a lump of actual coal with rudimentary features carved in it! the gift that's sure to send a mixed message! boy 2: i asked for war toys. toad: ducks can smell fear.
well-i-never about 5 years ago
These make me smile)
J Quest about 5 years ago
I think RT foreshadowed Amazon Echo with Mr. Factoad (hours of relentless fun!)
aerilim about 5 years ago
I think l got one of those Mr. Factoads. The only thing it says is Bud-wei-ser…
WCraft Premium Member about 5 years ago
Genius, pure genius!
gbars70 about 5 years ago
Wonder if that’s Richard’s UH-OH baby a few years on.
DCBakerEsq about 5 years ago
FACTOID. Funny comic strips can cure baldness. And erectile dysfunction.
Sisyphos almost 5 years ago
Eek! I covet these toys! —Yes, I am that perverse….
lawrence morris almost 5 years ago
have you recently or in the past , used psychedelics? You humor hits me like I was just getting off on some fresh mushroom tea.