Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for June 21, 2020
hometown security the d.c. office of obstacles & eyesores hopes to replace the jersey barriers littering our landscape with something more aesthetically pleasing. but what? everybody loves bollards! we could become the "city of bollards." people: bollards! bollards! bollards! bollards! there are alternatives. man: tangled masses of abandoned grocery carts can provide deterrence and comment on our consumerists society. some are traditionalists- guard: i prefer the ornamental 8-ton reinforced concrete tub filled with pansies, which so intriguingly weds the oppressive to the dainty. stop do not back up guy: yeah, me too. and what of those whome we seek to protect? employee 1: i hear that at the state department everyone gets a vicious guard dog. employee 2: damn. department of nonessential employees
gbars70 over 4 years ago
Two things wrong; tire spikes pointed in wrong direction and sign in last panel should begin with ‘one of numerous’.
Joliet Jake over 4 years ago
Just a little historical background on this strip. It was drawn not long after Sept. 11, 2001, when the federal and municipal governments in DC were looking to protect their office buildings, monuments and museums against terrorists ramming car bombs into them. At the time, there were people who complained that they were a blight. Today, some 18 years later, the bollards, concrete planters and tire spikes are still there, and have become an accepted part of the landscape.
Sisyphos over 4 years ago
The Traditionalist approach tends to be favored in both the large city near which I live and the small town where I worked before retiring. Bollards? Bollocks!