Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for February 15, 2021
richard's poor almanac ---- by richard thompson weather sunday partly sunday with a chance of passing hurricane (ivan). periods of panicky plywood shopping. monday intermittent smileys throughout the day with varying mood swings. chance of emoticondensation 80%. tuesday deluge of that new kitty kelley book "the family." expect gusts of humid ver-biage. wednesday chance of a shower in the evenning, or, if you've got time, may-be a nice long bath. thursday hurricanes jeanne through otto early in the day followed later by paula through walter. take an umbrella! friday hurricane charley re-forms & plows into florida again. florida changes nick-name to "the plywood state."
DCBakerEsq almost 4 years ago
Snow in Austin! Incredible, but true.
WaltWenger Premium Member almost 4 years ago
All right. Who shrunk the comic?
Sisyphos almost 4 years ago
Are you kidding? This is freakin’ February, worst weather of the year! Witness the Great Texas Snow and Cold, spreading all over the middle states….