Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for September 28, 2011
Bliss: We're getting close, Rip! I can smell pirate from three counties over! Rip: We'll stop the engine and drift, Bliss. It's quieter than a theater showing a Rob Schneider movie! Look! Boats! Bliss: Vulcan nerve pinch me! Anything to shut me up! I talk when I'm nerv - Jack: Sorry to break up your 2-person spin-the-bottle game, but I believe you have something I want, Mrs. Benson. Bliss: Rive Jack! There's a little thing called privacy, you creep!
Veridian over 13 years ago
Cobra is going to have One of Two (Probable) Reactions. 1) Bomb the Benson Bimbettes Boat into a Far-Flung Flotilla of Flambe’d Flinders..Number of Casualties Optional.2) Pretend that she doesn’t care about the Shipboard Shenanigans until she is Safely Alone…Where She’ll Cry her Eyes Out. and THEN Exercise Option 1. Either Way….Bad Rippy..BAD! No Sippy cup for You! HUGPOUNCEZZZZ and have fun Y’all! :-)
TheDOCTOR over 13 years ago
How come all the Women here are so nicely Stacked? Even RJ’s girl. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Malcolm Hall over 13 years ago
Does anyone think that Bliss isn’t evil?
Amazing Grace over 13 years ago
Oh, I believe Bliss has more alterior motives than President Obama has in the way he is running this country.
alleyoops Premium Member over 13 years ago
Rip can have the redhead and I’ll take Cobra.
Dragoncat over 13 years ago
Be thankful it’s not Cobra catching them in the act! Whatever River Jack plans to do would be nothing compared to her wrath.
quartermain over 13 years ago
DorianKTB over 13 years ago
Veridian, extra HUGPOUNCEZZZZ to you for your especially apt alliteration! beenthere240, the way RIP HAYWIRE strips usually go, I’d be more surprised if Bliss wasn’t evil! :-) Call me cynical, but she just seems too good to be true. Either way, I think Rip’s living a little TOO dangerously, being torn ‘twixt two gorgeous babes. He’s too young to be having a midlife crisis! :-)