Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for July 20, 2012
Cobra: Rip, we need a place to hid, fast! Those G.U.N.S. agents mean business! And not a fun business like edible arrangements! Rip: Fawn Forester's ranch is a mile from here! TNT, you run ahead and tell Fawn we need to borrow - possibly total - her truck in an insanely awesome life-and-death escape! TNT: I'll just say we need to borrow her truck for the usual reasons. Rip: It's good to have friends that "get us."
johnrussco over 12 years ago
One big happy family
PatyAnn over 12 years ago
I’ll bet all their neighbors insurance premiums are thru the roof.
DorianKTB over 12 years ago
LOL! Like the song says, you gotta have friends - especially if they don’t mind you totaling their property! :)
Linda Solomon over 12 years ago
lol @ last panel and the comments too!.HugPounceszz and have a ka-blammy weekend Haywire Hooligans!