Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for November 29, 2013

  1. Rip avatar
    dan thompson creator about 11 years ago

    I hope i’m not disappointing you…“RIp Haywire goes kablooey!” is the entire collection of comics from last year. And it is now available on amazon:

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  2. Ranger gord
    PMark  about 11 years ago

    Did Rip ever act this way where Cobra was concerned? I think not.

    What exactly is keeping Rip from following her? He doesn’t have a job on the island. His only job was working for Breezy, and now that’s kaput. So what’s keeping him there?

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    Fly On The Wall  about 11 years ago

    And this years “Puss-cake of the Year” award goes to……..(Drum roll) RIP!!!!!

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  4. Rip avatar
    dan thompson creator about 11 years ago

    When Breezy entered the strip I thought I would just have a funny bunny to pine over Rip, but what I didn’t know was how Cobra would come alive and have an added dimension to her character in her rivalry with Breezy…Breezy also showed Rip in the last adventure that she’s “all in” with the big lug. Things he’s wanted from Cobra that he sometimes got but with a price.

    On Oct 10th when Cobra was facing the charge of murdering Feng Kelly, and Breezy was hurt over their rivalry…Rip says " “So finding out who really killed Feng is important to me.” and Breezy replies “Then it is to me too.” If Rip wouldn’t chase Breezy after that, he’d be nuts. (And I happen to know he’s not!) =)

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  about 11 years ago

    In any case I wouldn´t expect her to be gone – easy to write her back in with a “getting enough money to buy a new helicopter and move back” routine.

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  6. taz 496
    lecrenb  about 11 years ago

    I personally like the play with three main characters… Amazon today for me as well…

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  7. Island
    Sheila Hardie  about 11 years ago

    Cobra for life!!!

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    warjoski Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Though I will admit. Cobra is much more lively with the threat of Breezy around

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  9. Pete 256
    MrPete  about 11 years ago

    I’ll suggest the opposite: Breezy is much more lively with the threat of Cobra around.

    Breezy is ALMOST everything Rip could want… except that she seems to have a tendency to settle down too much…

    But get Breezy’s dander up defending with Rip or her relationship with Rip… or anyone else (including Cobra) who is under fire…and she turns into a fireball that matches her hair.

    Will Breezy finally catch Rip? Will Cobra be redeemed? Where does Tj fit in the long run?

    And what about Naomi?


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    dimndno  about 11 years ago

    I bet we’ll see Breezy again. There’s a lot of potential to see her evil side. That’ll make Rip fall in love all over again!

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  11. Dresden av
    Veridian  about 11 years ago

    Rip, If I may be forgiven for Mixing my Media, I can answer your Question with a Line from The Big Bang Theory Q : What’s happening to Me?A : Oddly enough, Personal GrowthDan, I Hope you and yours had a great Thanksgiving….I’d send you HUGPOUNCESSZZZ but I’m afraid I might knock the (Turkey And ) Stuffing outta Ya. So I think I’ll head over to Amazon and Order Oh I dunno, A Graphic Novel or Something….. :-)

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  12. Dresden av
    Veridian  about 11 years ago

    BTW, Since Breezy took an Earlier Flight does that mean she Caught the Pineapple Express?

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    MadYank  about 11 years ago

    Dan – check my comment from (I think it was) Tuesday for MY 2 Cents worth of how you should take the strip. Rip can have his cake and eat it too, because Breezy will give him the “home life” he longs for underneath it all, while Cobra will show him the Adventure he NEEDS to feel alive.

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  14. Dorian tenore logo
    DorianKTB  almost 11 years ago

    I must admit I liked the original Haywire family unit, too, but with R.J. and the girls, there’ s still fun to be had!

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