Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for March 02, 2015
Narrator: Rip is off to squash some goons when he gets an important text message! Text: Breezy Haywire: The ultrasound is tomorrow morning 9 a.m love you! Breezy: I just want you back here for the first ultrasound, Bub! Rip Haywire: Let's head back to starlight. Hopefully, this will be the only time fatherhood Trumps vengeance!
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Will the ultrasound show the baby’s jaw yet?
AlnicoV almost 10 years ago
Sorry Rip, this continues for at least two more decades.
johnrussco almost 10 years ago
Breezy Haywire … that just sounds so perfect. She said to her man at the end of a text “love you” Now, that is priceless and that’s how my bride of 36 years ends her text messages and phone conversations with me. Breezy, the not at all greedy chopper pilot is the right fit for our brave, square jawed, soldier of fortune and handsome man of honor.
I love it when things get totally haywire!
cdward almost 10 years ago
Chithing Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I guess this proves it. He’s seriously in love.Good for you, Rip!
I AM CARTOON LADY! almost 10 years ago
Yaaaah Ka-Daddy!
B LeCren almost 10 years ago
Put the goon squashing on hold… until Wednesday?
Dragoncat almost 10 years ago
When a pregnant woman calls you “Bub”, you’re a dead man.
NWdryad almost 10 years ago
OK, Rip is losing it. This is no fun.
Dragoncat almost 10 years ago
So the Goon Union gets a reprieve. For now.
warjoski Premium Member almost 10 years ago
While I don’t disagree with NWDryad and NyukNyuk…Breezy took the Ka- out of Rip’s Boom…let’s see where Dan takes this. He hasn’t disappointed me yet.
PMark almost 10 years ago
Here’s that original strip:(11/26/2014)There are several things to note:•1: Rip never promised that he’d be there.•2: Breezy never insisted or demanded he’d be there. She only expressed a desire for his presence at the baby’s first ultrasound. •3: Breezy’s text message makes no mention of her previously expressed wish. It merely informs Rip of what’s going on. She doesn’t demand his presence. She doesn’t even ask that he be there. She just tells him what is happening and leaves it at that.•4: She closes with a simple, “love you.”
And on that gentle, unassuming note, Rip is forgoing an opportunity to wreck revenge in order to be with his wife when she goes in for the first ultrasound of their new baby.
And that, dear readers, is one reason why Rip and Breezy are perfect for each other.