What reason could you have for wanting to hold the drive Rip? You weren’t thinking of giving the drive to the Agency yourself, and taking the credit were you? For shame! And then you have the nerve to say Cobra is double-dealing and backstabbing? She wants a chance to not have to look over her shoulder. You just want personal glory.
ericbrower over 7 years ago
What reason could you have for wanting to hold the drive Rip? You weren’t thinking of giving the drive to the Agency yourself, and taking the credit were you? For shame! And then you have the nerve to say Cobra is double-dealing and backstabbing? She wants a chance to not have to look over her shoulder. You just want personal glory.
cuzinron47 over 7 years ago
That’s just a temporary get-out-of-jail card. A leopard doesn’t change it’s spots.
Chithing Premium Member over 7 years ago
Cobra. Hmmm. In hindsight, that seemed obvious.
tad1 over 7 years ago
My, she is clever.
Dragoncat over 7 years ago
Quit trying to sweet-talk her, Haywire! You know she’s not giving it up without a fight.
tad1 over 7 years ago
Cut her some slack, Rip. Cobra just wants a chance to redeem herself. (Albeit, if only temporary.)