Cleaning up, like cooking, is actually very healthy for your mental health. You are using your body to do something useful and will see the immediate benefits.
There’s a comic on gocomics called My Dad is Dracula by a Jason Poland. Don’t know for sure if it’s the same person, but the humor is similar. Anyway it’s postings are up to date, if same person at least we know Jason still alive.
mistercatworks over 1 year ago
Cleaning up, like cooking, is actually very healthy for your mental health. You are using your body to do something useful and will see the immediate benefits.
skolinger1 over 1 year ago
Is this strip over? Can I stop checking for a new one?
Petemejia77 over 1 year ago
Mr Poland, Is everything okay???
Dave over 1 year ago
There’s a comic on gocomics called My Dad is Dracula by a Jason Poland. Don’t know for sure if it’s the same person, but the humor is similar. Anyway it’s postings are up to date, if same person at least we know Jason still alive.