Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for August 19, 2014
August 18, 2014
August 20, 2014
Rose: Yes, it's distracting...but it's also a compliment to your grilling skills! Be proud that so many fans find your halibut steaks to be so appealing.
Jimbo: Feline fans don't count.
awgiedawgie Premium Member over 10 years ago
You should be flattered, Jimbo. Cats have an uncanny sense for what is good eating.
Observer fo Irony over 10 years ago
Just how do you grill halibut steak and is it cheaper than beef?
catshade over 10 years ago
No it’s not cheaper than beef but it’s easy to grill. Do it like steak.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 10 years ago
Oh no!
Doctor11 over 10 years ago
Cat invasion!
amaryllis2 Premium Member over 10 years ago
The cats are just hanging around for the halibut.
shamino over 10 years ago
“… Ten Cats …”
You’re welcome.