Having done that (my avatar is home grown opium poppies) I will say that is not something to do with your life. Quite the opposite – run from that doctor as fast as you can go.
Cocaine is not an opiate. It is a stimulant and its effects, except for its addiction potential, are the opposite of opiates. While it doesn’t suppress pain, cocaine and its analogs (such as Lidocaine and Novocaine) do have anesthetic properties.
Ida No over 5 years ago
Cocaine lets you finish the list faster, but you end up accidentally adding a whole bunch of other stuff to it.
Anathema Premium Member over 5 years ago
Having done that (my avatar is home grown opium poppies) I will say that is not something to do with your life. Quite the opposite – run from that doctor as fast as you can go.
Gerard:D over 5 years ago
I’m nearing that, but they say 35 is the new 20, so I still have time. I’m going back to bed.
gnome over 5 years ago
failure to fledged is not a treatable condition.
A# 466 over 5 years ago
Cocaine is not an opiate. It is a stimulant and its effects, except for its addiction potential, are the opposite of opiates. While it doesn’t suppress pain, cocaine and its analogs (such as Lidocaine and Novocaine) do have anesthetic properties.
Spock over 5 years ago
For me, to accomplish sth in life and taking cocaine seem to be somewhat contradictionary. Thus my problem with the doctor’s advice.