So, how'd it go? You know how I do the water into wine trick? Yeah. And you know how some groups don't have the alcohol dehydrogenase enzymes? Yeah, they... Oh crap. Subsequently... It's not entirely clear why Christianity never blossomed in Asia.
catchup about 4 years ago
Randallw about 4 years ago
Christianity was founded in Asia.
billrobinsonmusic about 4 years ago
StephenRice about 4 years ago
Idiotic on various levels:
1. Jesus turned water to wine once, at a wedding feast. It has no bearing on Christian practices. It would make more sense to point to the eucharistic use of wine, though the amount of wine imbibed is very small.
2. Christianity did spread into Asia pretty well, but Christians were exterminated for importing foreign beliefs. Muslims and to some extent Buddhists have run into similar problems, depending on the precise area.