Have you ever noticed what small goals crooks seem to have? I mean, yeah, you may only spend 50 hours researching and committing your crime, but you come away with say $100,000 and you’re on the run FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!
On the other hand, politicians that make it at the state or federal level may only walk off with $100,000 the first year… they almost always end their career as multi-milionaires and have lived high (and in the public eye) for decades.
Have you ever noticed what small goals crooks seem to have? I mean, yeah, you may only spend 50 hours researching and committing your crime, but you come away with say $100,000 and you’re on the run FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!
On the other hand, politicians that make it at the state or federal level may only walk off with $100,000 the first year… they almost always end their career as multi-milionaires and have lived high (and in the public eye) for decades.