Steve Kelley for July 12, 2023

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    aristoclesplato9  12 months ago

    What’s to be upset about? Joe says you are doing fine.

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    brwydave Premium Member 12 months ago

    Is he throwing his food at the walls?

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    DC Swamp  12 months ago

    Angry outbursts and cursing are typical with people suffering from dementia, so this behavior from Uncle Joe is not unusual.

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  4. Yin yang
    Havel  12 months ago

    In general, I’m not a fan of the “yell, scream, curse” style of leadership. It’s too football coachy to me (apologies to level headed football coaches). It does appear that his anger is 1) temporary with no grudge being held and 2) related to policy; specifically, when an aide does not perform their expected duty, policy-wise.

    From the “Axios” article:

    “Ted Kaufman, Biden’s longtime chief of staff when the future president represented Delaware in the Senate, told “Axios” that Biden’s process is policy-driven, and has made him a strong executive. “If there is something that’s not in the brief, he’s going to find it,” he said."

    By the way, for those who claim Biden’s cognitively disabled, knowing something is missing from a brief is not a sign of an addled mind.

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    Al Fresco, the Librarian  12 months ago

    Did you vote for him? Then you’re getting the government you wanted.

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    Durak Premium Member 12 months ago

    Spending – What is the problem here? Too much? Too little? Do you know or understand?

    Inflation – Same as above.

    Crime – Talk to your state and local politicians.

    Border Crisis – Talk to the US Congress. Tell them to enact binding legislation which mandates action on the executive branch. Otherwise be prepared for it to go on and on and on.

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    nodjt  12 months ago

    I’d like to see somebody younger and more dynamic to run for president, but we got what we got. So far, he’s the best out of the three likely candidates that are running. Also, when I read the news, I look to see where the item came from. There’s a handful of news outlets that are heavily biased in favor of the extreme right wing.

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    piper_gilbert  12 months ago

    If you want to smear someone, your guy can’t be ten times worse.

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    Elder Lee Fox  12 months ago

    Did I hear someone Trump did the same, and with ketchup? Were his underlings afraid o cross him?

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    jack666 Premium Member 12 months ago

    Spending: Investing in infrastructure is a major improvement over giving it to billionaires in tax cuts.

    Inflation: Down, and lower than other major countries.

    Crime; Lower in blue states than red states.

    Border “Crisis” : Over hyped blather. Other than a few hundred feet of “wall” and a brutal family separation policy what did TFG do"?

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    Radish the wordsmith  12 months ago

    DeSantis hits all-time low in new national poll that shows Biden ahead of Trump

    Florida governor and GOP presidential candidate Ron DeSantis just hit his all-time low in a new national Morning Consult poll that puts President Joe Biden ahead of Donald Trump, but only by one point.The weekly poll of over 3000 people shows DeSantis, amid the damage from his campaign – and them him personally – promoting an anti-LGBTQ video deemed "homophobic: by even gay Republicans. After massive outrage the DeSantis campaign quietly pulled the video off social media, but the damage was done.

    Inflation rose just 0.2% in June, less than expected as consumers get a break from price increases

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    Judge Magney  12 months ago

    Inflation: down to 3%. Govt spending: Down since the last Trump budget. Border crossings: down sharply. Violent crime: declining after a spike that began before Biden took office. That must be a Kelley self portrait, cursing because so many of his cartoons have proved to be based on unfounded Trumpservative claims and make him look stupid!

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    cdward  12 months ago

    Ever since the rightwing started trying to turn this country into a fascist dictatorship where they monitor every aspect of your private life — I’ve been a little cranky, too.

    However, our economy is actually MUCH stronger today than it was under the previous guy — and there was a lot of damage that had to be undone. Our economy is doing better than most other countries in terms of recovering from the pandemic, too.

    Crime? It’s always been a problem, but it’s coming down after spiking under Trump.

    Kelley must not have noticed that undocumented border crossings are way down, too.

    Hmmm, seems Kelley just isn’t that up on current events.

    Oh, by the way, did you notice what Biden curses about? Mostly it’s about staffers not having the information they’re supposed to. As he said, he needs the information if he’s going to do the job. Contrast that with the last guy who only wanted comic-strip-sized pieces of information, and only if it had something to do with him. And if TFG didn’t like it, he’d throw food at the wall.

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  14. Freeradical
    Free Radical  12 months ago

    Sure as the earth rotating once a day, Biden was by far the best alternative in 2020 for President. Look at the economic numbers released today, with steadily diminishing inflation percentages now almost zero. Now the extremist right wing cartoonists on GoComics are finding themselves walking thru a desert of content and creativity. You got nada and it shows

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    ncorgbl  12 months ago

    The White House Staff said no such thing, inflation is way down, and we’re still waiting for the caravans of illegals that were promised before every election, and the hordes waiting to flood the border with the end of title 42. conservatives have nothing but fear peddling.

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    Vidrinath Premium Member 12 months ago

    Its so cute when steve gets jealous. He draws himself into the ’toon in green. It just makes me want to donate money to Woke™ unlimited

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    Even Ammosexual works more than 10 to 4 Premium Member 12 months ago

    The powers that be in the democrat king makers world are done with old Joe. When the old gray lady starts to talk about our emperors lack of clothes, people notice. First they need to flush Commala.

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    macmantoo  12 months ago

    Well at least he’s human, the former guy used to do all that, tell non-stop lies and throw ketchup on the walls.

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