While this is just a comic, sadly some people do not understand that the freedom of speech only applies to government taking action to censor speech/actions, not private companies. When people sign up for various platforms, e.g., twitter, fb, they agree to certain rules. If you violate those rules they are able to remove you from their platform. The same can be said for going to a store wearing an offensive shirt/carrying a sign. The store is free to remove you from their private property for whatever reason they wish.
While this is just a comic, sadly some people do not understand that the freedom of speech only applies to government taking action to censor speech/actions, not private companies. When people sign up for various platforms, e.g., twitter, fb, they agree to certain rules. If you violate those rules they are able to remove you from their platform. The same can be said for going to a store wearing an offensive shirt/carrying a sign. The store is free to remove you from their private property for whatever reason they wish.