Why am I thinking Leninbernie? Don’t be mad with me! I like Bernie and what he wants to do. It’s just that I think his (good) ideas are pretty much as impossible to implement as Trump’s (bad) ideas. At least, short of an actual this-is-not-a-dinner-party revolution.
jimmjonzz Premium Member over 8 years ago
Why am I thinking Leninbernie? Don’t be mad with me! I like Bernie and what he wants to do. It’s just that I think his (good) ideas are pretty much as impossible to implement as Trump’s (bad) ideas. At least, short of an actual this-is-not-a-dinner-party revolution.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 8 years ago
Is Stalinbert by any chance an HR CAT? Or is Stalinbert the dog behind him?
Thomas R. Williams over 8 years ago
Is that T-RATskybert?
ars731 over 8 years ago
The Russian version of Dilbert is weird
BadVlad over 8 years ago
In Soviet Russia papers sort YOU.