Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs for June 26, 2011

  1. Wolfstorm
    FENRISULFR  over 13 years ago

    Interesting parallel over in the Alley Oop strip, where certain parties are also undertaking an ill-advised expedition to obtain fossil fuels [though they’re going 186 million miles further than Caprona to do it].

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  2. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 13 years ago

    I will miss seeing Janet running around in her undies. But its good to see the Sunday Lord of the Apes, the real deal, in contrast to that sad, wimpy, ersatz daily Preacher of the Plains….

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  3. Millionchimps1
    tripwire45  over 13 years ago

    Good story line but far too short. There is a lot of potential they could have explored.

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  4. Avatarneal2
    APersonOfInterest  over 13 years ago

    Gray Morrowe’s line work was always much too thin to read well … never understood why he was doing this strip. Tracing photographs and refusing to render readable art resulted in a stiff, boring comic.

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  5. Avatarneal2
    APersonOfInterest  over 13 years ago

    Want to see a really well done Tarzan comic strip ? Find one of the Joe Kubrick DC comic books … now that art sang!!!

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    puddleglum1066  over 13 years ago

    From the last panel, we can conclude that Tarzan does not work for BP.

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    profkatz  over 13 years ago

    I fell sorry for those flying “Beakmen” who never got a piece of Janet, but it’s going to be a long sail home for the sailors aboard the submarine……………

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    profkatz  over 13 years ago

    All of Joe KUBERT’s art strips are excellent, besides Tarzan he had wonderful graphic novels and comics under the Sgt. Rock, Hawkman, and TOR titles amongst others.

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  9. Wolfstorm
    FENRISULFR  over 13 years ago

    I happen to like Gray Morrow’s art a lot. I’m going to really enjoy going through the archives. But to me, the best Tarzan artist of all time was Russ Manning—BAR NONE!

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    mike48  about 13 years ago


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