Weird sky in the last panel; maybe a storm coming??
Well where’s this unexpected danger? They knew about the frogmen chasing them.
This story is a real crock! But I’m hooked. Sometimes suspension of disbelief is harder than at other times, though.
Ray CYou mean we shouldnt try ride on a crocs back?I WILL SUE THEM FOR NEGLIGENCE!
rdmacgregor over 8 years ago
Weird sky in the last panel; maybe a storm coming??
Old Comic Strip Lover over 8 years ago
Well where’s this unexpected danger? They knew about the frogmen chasing them.
Ray_C over 8 years ago
This story is a real crock! But I’m hooked. Sometimes suspension of disbelief is harder than at other times, though.
brickhouse over 8 years ago
Ray CYou mean we shouldnt try ride on a crocs back?I WILL SUE THEM FOR NEGLIGENCE!