Of course much of Pellucidar doesn’t realize they even have a moon, since it is always stationary. Those on the inner world opposite the moon never see it because the sun is in the way.
Hmmmm… the gravity of this situation is a bit confusing. Assuming the “moon” has its own gravity, won’t they pass a point of weightlessness during their approach?
Yes, I know this is a comic. I have read many if not all of the Tarzan books (long time ago) and Burroughs’ Pelucidor books, too.
Emile Schwarz over 2 years ago
“We hope you have enjoyed the show”
The countdown is running…
Emile Schwarz over 2 years ago
Next: “I want to breath !”
Polsixe over 2 years ago
Moon looks like a lumpy disk.
LawrenceS over 2 years ago
I’m betting the mahars have explored it.
Of course much of Pellucidar doesn’t realize they even have a moon, since it is always stationary. Those on the inner world opposite the moon never see it because the sun is in the way.
Out of the Past over 2 years ago
Korak is starting to make it difficult to find him.
Old Comic Strip Lover over 2 years ago
So, like, Pelucidor never had the equivalent of an Apollo 11?
Galimatias over 2 years ago
Did they present the geography of Pelucidor showing where the moon and source of light are?
LLP over 2 years ago
How did everyone get their arms untied?
ComicRelief over 2 years ago
Hmmmm… the gravity of this situation is a bit confusing. Assuming the “moon” has its own gravity, won’t they pass a point of weightlessness during their approach?
Yes, I know this is a comic. I have read many if not all of the Tarzan books (long time ago) and Burroughs’ Pelucidor books, too.
anomaly over 2 years ago
The moon’s unexplored? You’d think the Mahars would’ve scouted it out beforehand.
profkatz over 2 years ago
I hope they get there while the breakfast fires are still burning, otherwise it will be an uncooked pick-apart meal for those Mahars!
Carol from CT over 2 years ago
Hmmm, when the mahars grabbed our brave adventurers, their arms were securely tied behind their backs. Who cut them free?