I was housesitting at a place with a Labrador and a Siamese. They wanted to play fetch from the upstairs bedroom. I threw the ball out the door and down the stairs and both took off after it. The Siamese stopped smoothly at the top step. The Labrador bounded down, retrieved the ball and the Siamese joined him for his triumphant return to the bedroom. They continued this game until I got tired first. The dog was exhausted; the Siamese took a nap anyway.
infranscia about 4 years ago
XDDD Cute. =3
Charliegirl Premium Member about 4 years ago
amethyst52 Premium Member about 4 years ago
diskus Premium Member about 4 years ago
I once saw a cat try to carry a stick, pitiful.
beindevine about 4 years ago
When my cats were indoor/outdoor, they frequently brought me small branches and willow withies…
cat19632001 about 4 years ago
I reserve the right to change my mind. Multiple times.
mistercatworks about 4 years ago
I was housesitting at a place with a Labrador and a Siamese. They wanted to play fetch from the upstairs bedroom. I threw the ball out the door and down the stairs and both took off after it. The Siamese stopped smoothly at the top step. The Labrador bounded down, retrieved the ball and the Siamese joined him for his triumphant return to the bedroom. They continued this game until I got tired first. The dog was exhausted; the Siamese took a nap anyway.
about 4 years ago
Just play with him, Mittens.
prrdh about 4 years ago
Who’s gonna throw it?