Before you lower your visor/ advice from someone who’s wiser:/ fulfill her demands/ from those warm Eastern lands/ bring back gifts – and don’t be a miser !
“Ah, yes, Sir Knight, I know you love your lance a lot! " Milady, it’s my best feature and aids me in my thrust!" “So you’ve well taught me , Good Knight!”
Here, I will loosely apply the tourniquet now; when they cut off your arm, you’ll have to tighten it yourself. If he gets your head, well, there’s nothing I can do for that.
Mother says there are some things she wants you to pick up in the Holy Land, Father: a set of eight golden cups with matching plates, red silk pillows and blue brocade draperies, four infidel houseboys, mustard seed and olive oil, and if you see one, a Persian cat.
No sweetie, I don’t believe you a coward for hiding in the back hoping you won’t have to fight, I think you a coward for already waving a surrender flag.
When they were married, Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise had the most elaborate foreplay their money could buy. Nicole left the marriage however after Tom insisted on playing L Ron Hubbard every night leaving Nicole to play John Travolta.
all have info, or links that point to more info, about this artist (again, can be read in full for free on Fridays), perhaps in addition to what’s pointed to by the title URL. So far, 42 works by him have been used here (45 times, with 2 repeated as Classics, plus this now repeated with a different caption).
has this painting’s original caption (my comment there just had the blog entry as a hyperlink; 9 years …).
Again, a larger strip image is shown by (⌘- or Ctrl-) clicking the image in Mr. Melcher’s MASTERPIECE #2629 (January 26, 2021) blog entry, accessible by the Check out the blog! box after the last comment.
BE THIS GUY almost 4 years ago
“If you survive the joust, remember to pick up some milk and Junior from school on your way home.”
rmremail almost 4 years ago
“Here, let me tie my scarf around your arm as a sign of my favor. And so that all the other guys know you got some last night.”
Strob almost 4 years ago
“Don’t smash your lance into the portcullis again!”
rmremail almost 4 years ago
Ok, you have fun playing with the boys out there. I’ll be playing with the boys in here.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member almost 4 years ago
The red scarf will make it easier to identify the remains after the joust.
Papared25 almost 4 years ago
“You look so dashing with your helmet on, probably because it hides your mullet.”
ronaldspence almost 4 years ago
Dost thou knowest why someone would send a missive informing you the warranty on thy steed is about to expire? Shouldst thou be concerned?
gopher gofer almost 4 years ago
‘love your lance a lot…’
juncarlo almost 4 years ago
Just to know it, my loved, where you put the spare key to the chastity belt?
Call me Ishmael almost 4 years ago
Before you lower your visor/ advice from someone who’s wiser:/ fulfill her demands/ from those warm Eastern lands/ bring back gifts – and don’t be a miser !
Helen Ferrieux almost 4 years ago
Wait! You’re NOT taking the dining-room curtains with you !
Kind&Kinder almost 4 years ago
“Ah, yes, Sir Knight, I know you love your lance a lot! " Milady, it’s my best feature and aids me in my thrust!" “So you’ve well taught me , Good Knight!”
Buzzworld almost 4 years ago
“Good luck finding the Grail my love. This is to remind you your favorite color is red.”
thebashfulone almost 4 years ago
“We’ll always have Constantinople.”
P51Strega almost 4 years ago
Here, I will loosely apply the tourniquet now; when they cut off your arm, you’ll have to tighten it yourself. If he gets your head, well, there’s nothing I can do for that.
Reader almost 4 years ago
I’ll be back when the joust is over — knight-fall.
Lady loves a joke almost 4 years ago
All the ladies love a man in uniform.
J Short almost 4 years ago
He was famous for bringing up the rear.
aerotica69 almost 4 years ago
Mother says there are some things she wants you to pick up in the Holy Land, Father: a set of eight golden cups with matching plates, red silk pillows and blue brocade draperies, four infidel houseboys, mustard seed and olive oil, and if you see one, a Persian cat.
wincoach Premium Member almost 4 years ago
lagoulou almost 4 years ago
Once a knight, always a knight, but once a night is enough!
Jeffin Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Rub my lance for luck my lady. Oh, faster…
Another Take almost 4 years ago
When they were married, Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise had the most elaborate foreplay their money could buy. Nicole left the marriage however after Tom insisted on playing L Ron Hubbard every night leaving Nicole to play John Travolta.
pkdphd almost 4 years ago
Before you leave dear, where did you store the key to the chastity belt?
prrdh almost 4 years ago
Interesting, isn’t it, that lances were about 2 meters long?
Indianapolis Smith almost 4 years ago
“Here is my scarf, for luck! If you get any blood on it this time, don’t come back!”
LJZ Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Pillage a nice shrubbery, for the house.
MuddyUSA Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Come sweet commander, drop your lance and charge into me with your erect standardbearer!
epaphus8 almost 4 years ago
“Give me that! Don’t ‘but I’m a knight’ me, mister. I said you can’t wear the living room curtains into battle, and that’s final.”
Honorable Mention In The Banjo Toss Premium Member almost 4 years ago
“Does your gryphon bite?” “No.” “Aw, cute little..YEOW! I thought you said your gryphon doesn’t bite.” “That’s not my gryphon.”
anomaly almost 4 years ago
“Go ahead if you want to. It just seems like a lance-measuring contest to me.”
mabrndt Premium Member almost 4 years ago
God Speed:!.jpg
has info and links that point to info about this painting.
all have info, or links that point to more info, about this artist (again, can be read in full for free on Fridays), perhaps in addition to what’s pointed to by the title URL. So far, 42 works by him have been used here (45 times, with 2 repeated as Classics, plus this now repeated with a different caption).
has the prior (my comment there included seven of the artist info URLs, the second of which may be unresponsive).
has this painting’s original caption (my comment there just had the blog entry as a hyperlink; 9 years …).
Again, a larger strip image is shown by (⌘- or Ctrl-) clicking the image in Mr. Melcher’s MASTERPIECE #2629 (January 26, 2021) blog entry, accessible by the Check out the blog! box after the last comment.
Bilan almost 4 years ago
That’s not a lance he’s holding. She whispered something to him and now we have a
Great Moments In Phallic Portraiture!
MissScarlet Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Darling it’s my best shawl for your luck. Sheesh! The reds don’t even match!
d1234dick Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Olivia , after a one night stand wishes Malborne a fond farewell,and don’t com back till you have grown a bit.
Impkins Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I trust your point of view, Cynthia! Does my cape make my horse’s arse look fat? :>)