I thought I found a gluten free sugar free buckwheat gingerbread cookie recipe. One of the ingredients is molasses, facepalm. So I looked on Google to find a sugar free molasses substitute, wanna guess what google suggested? Sugar! Brown sugar! SMH!! 12 years ago I went gluten free-sugar free, so many things that I’ve cut out of my diet to reduce my pain levels and it is effective. It’s more work but so very worth it.
Ivy Valory Premium Member 1 day ago
This seems like a lovely homage to Frank and Ernest!
Durak Premium Member 1 day ago
Life is great with cookies on the plate, I can’t wait to salivate!
ladykat 1 day ago
Doug K 1 day ago
Challenge a friend – you’ll have a cool yule drool duel.
tammyspeakslife Premium Member about 24 hours ago
I thought I found a gluten free sugar free buckwheat gingerbread cookie recipe. One of the ingredients is molasses, facepalm. So I looked on Google to find a sugar free molasses substitute, wanna guess what google suggested? Sugar! Brown sugar! SMH!! 12 years ago I went gluten free-sugar free, so many things that I’ve cut out of my diet to reduce my pain levels and it is effective. It’s more work but so very worth it.