The Born Loser by Art and Chip Sansom for June 04, 2012
June 03, 2012
June 05, 2012
Brutus: I've been thinking about growing a beard...
Brutus: It would cover my chin and neck, which would make me look a little thinner!
Gladys: If you could grow it long enough to cover your tummy, you'd really be on to something!
watmiwori over 12 years ago
Gladys should talk
revisages over 12 years ago
yeah, gladys.for someone whose great struggle is on the order of Beard Vs Chinsit takes one to know one
Larhof52 over 12 years ago
Is that why ZZ Top does it?
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 12 years ago
A razor hasn’t touched my chin since ’92.
isthereanybodyoutthere over 12 years ago
why do you think the bank in zz top looks so thin?