The Buckets by Greg Cravens for February 13, 2020

  1. Missing large
    whahoppened  almost 5 years ago

    Almost the punch line of an old Lone Ranger/Tonto joke.

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  2. Unnamed  1
    Doctor Toon  almost 5 years ago

    Most adults are out of touch with the world of teenagers, and most teenagers are clueless about the realities of adulthood

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  3. Michaelparksjimbronson
    well-i-never  almost 5 years ago

    “Oh, your turn will come, honey. Your turn will come.”

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  4. Atheism 007
    Michael G.  almost 5 years ago

    “We”. As in first person, plural. You are so uncool, snow leopards at the zoo are drawn to you!

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  5. Iconanimestatic
    karmakat01  almost 5 years ago

    step away from it if you know what is good for you, Mister.

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  6. Stinker
    cuzinron47  almost 5 years ago

    If this is a carry over from yesterdays comic, some of us adults are still hung up on the concept of using a phone as a phone.

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  7. Stinker
    cuzinron47  almost 5 years ago

    Just like we thought our parents were unhip.

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    nbwddd  almost 5 years ago

    “Oh right honey. I meant you” lol

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