“School spirit” – “I’m better than you because of the random boundaries of the districts makes me go to this school. You suck for the same reason.”
Grooming for “Those people are hurting my profits – but I need you to go kill them because they’re different, and that’s bad!”
And yeah, most of my high school friends were from the town 15 miles east; my HS was pathetic. I was talking to my best friend from his birth (day after me) until about 6th grade in the hall by the display cases; told him I was looking into transferring to my current friends’ school because I wanted a better education. Quoth he “What?? How can you say this isn’t a good school? LOOK at all those trophies!!!!!” (Thus the “until about 6th grade” part,,,,,
“School spirit” – “I’m better than you because of the random boundaries of the districts makes me go to this school. You suck for the same reason.”
Grooming for “Those people are hurting my profits – but I need you to go kill them because they’re different, and that’s bad!”
And yeah, most of my high school friends were from the town 15 miles east; my HS was pathetic. I was talking to my best friend from his birth (day after me) until about 6th grade in the hall by the display cases; told him I was looking into transferring to my current friends’ school because I wanted a better education. Quoth he “What?? How can you say this isn’t a good school? LOOK at all those trophies!!!!!” (Thus the “until about 6th grade” part,,,,,