The Elderberries by Corey Pandolph and Phil Frank and Joe Troise for July 29, 2022
Boone: Professor... could you give me a hand with this crossword? Professor: I'll try, Boone. Boone: 12 across... 29 letters... the act of estimating something as worthless. Professor: Floccinaucinihilipilification! Boone: Of course! How could I have missed that? Professor: I once scored 840 points in "scrabble" with that one.
pathfinder over 2 years ago
No, you did not. There is no way to build that word on the scrabble board unless you turn corners. That is not against the rules, but EXTREMELY difficult in execution.
oakie817 over 2 years ago
actual word
Back to Big Mike over 2 years ago
I had to go back and fourth three times to get the spelling right. The more you know…
Diat60 over 2 years ago
I’d bet that’s the New York Times crossword!
trainnut1956 over 2 years ago
That answer is in and of itself floccinaucinihilipificated.
Skeptical Meg over 2 years ago
Where did he find a crossword with a 29xsomething grid? I mean, the times does things like rebuses and around-the-bend stuff sometimes, but I don’t think Boone would try it. And a scrabble board is only 15 letters across.
blah_duh over 2 years ago
The Super Scrabble board is 21 × 21. If he stretched the word across two boards taped together, he might be able to do it if all the letters were available.
CeceliaWD Premium Member over 2 years ago
Must have been house rules.
finnygirl Premium Member over 2 years ago
It’s quite possible that comic crosswords and comic Scrabble are different than our versions. :-)