The Elderberries by Corey Pandolph and Phil Frank and Joe Troise for March 05, 2023
Dusty: Ever been to Kansas City, Evelyn? Evelyn: I don't believe I ever have, Dusty. Dusty: They got this tiny little hole-in-the-wall saloon called, "The Peanut." The place ain't much ta look at, but Ah had me the greatest B.L.T. ever concocted there... Ah have dreams about that sandwich. Evelyn: B.L.T.'s aren't that hard to make, Dusty. Dusty: In 25 years, Ah have yet ta duplicate it. Evelyn: I guess you'll just have to get back to K.C. before you die. Dusty: Oh, Ah have a man working on an alternative ta that, as we speak... Boone: Overnight a sandwich? Hmm... let me check with my contacts at UPS and see if it's possible... Dusty: We'll need some way to keep the hot side hot and the cold side cold. One week ago...
ajr58(1) almost 2 years ago
Huh. It’s a thing: