I can tell you from personal experience, that when your kid is quiet it’s a bad sign. . . One morning he let us sleep in until about 7 a. We got up and quietly peeked into his bedroom. He was standing in his crib, with his diaper off, finger painting on the wall.
salakfarm Premium Member over 2 years ago
You think you’re done at 18? You’re just getting started with expenses.
The Reader Premium Member over 2 years ago
One night STARTED, 6,574 to go,
Bob Blumenfeld over 2 years ago
Yeah, but it gets easier long before the kid turns 16 and can drive by himself.
Bruce1253 over 2 years ago
I can tell you from personal experience, that when your kid is quiet it’s a bad sign. . . One morning he let us sleep in until about 7 a. We got up and quietly peeked into his bedroom. He was standing in his crib, with his diaper off, finger painting on the wall.