Accelerators have been sticking at least since my 1970 Dodge Dart. While the Toyota “sticking” was electronic, not mechanical - the needed response is the same as in 1970: Put the car in Neutral. The Neutral position on Toyotas is mechanical - in case the the electronics foul up. Drivers are so spoiled with their power everything cars these days, they can’t handle the smallest emergency.
gjsjr41 over 14 years ago
Driving a Toyota, Art?
stuart over 14 years ago
Accelerators have been sticking at least since my 1970 Dodge Dart. While the Toyota “sticking” was electronic, not mechanical - the needed response is the same as in 1970: Put the car in Neutral. The Neutral position on Toyotas is mechanical - in case the the electronics foul up. Drivers are so spoiled with their power everything cars these days, they can’t handle the smallest emergency.
freeholder1 over 14 years ago
Total mistake. they’d have been rained out by now, this time of year.
freeholder1 over 14 years ago
And Dale Jr. finishes where he usually does: in the money and out of the winner’s circle.