I’m a really sound sleeper and there was some testing of fire alarms going on in the building. I heard nothing and Teddy kept giving out a soft bark as to not startle me. I paid no attention until my neighbour called me. (Note to self) always pay attention to your pets….they are your guardians and life savers. Teddy is amazing, we are so fortunate to have these wonderful pets in our lives. They will protect us until the last beat of their little hearts, and we will do the same for them.
Self reinforcing. They bark at someone passing the house to protect their territory, the person keeps walking, they think they’ve chased the intruder away and are happy.
blunebottle over 6 years ago
Nick will understand and still give you a biscuit.
the lost wizard over 6 years ago
Safety first.
Stevefk over 6 years ago
Poor dog, he’ll be a real biscuit case if he risks not getting the treat!
Plods with ...™ over 6 years ago
There’s a sign in the front.
Crazy dog lives here.
Do not knock.
He will bark. I will yell.
Things will get ugly.
I AM CARTOON LADY! over 6 years ago
Bark first and ask for biscuits, later!
Zen-of-Zinfandel over 6 years ago
Nick has the upper hound.
sarahbowl1 Premium Member over 6 years ago
Good boy!
Teddy Boy over 6 years ago
I’m a really sound sleeper and there was some testing of fire alarms going on in the building. I heard nothing and Teddy kept giving out a soft bark as to not startle me. I paid no attention until my neighbour called me. (Note to self) always pay attention to your pets….they are your guardians and life savers. Teddy is amazing, we are so fortunate to have these wonderful pets in our lives. They will protect us until the last beat of their little hearts, and we will do the same for them.
Daeder over 6 years ago
Protecting the house can sometimes be “risky biscuits”!
Nyckname over 6 years ago
Self reinforcing. They bark at someone passing the house to protect their territory, the person keeps walking, they think they’ve chased the intruder away and are happy.