Tiny Sepuku by Ken Cursoe for August 15, 2022

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    Katecst  over 2 years ago

    I couldn’t relate when my (unmarried, childfree) friends started climbing the corporate ladder. “I beat out Thames for the Rothschild account! I now work 85 hours a week!” Why, just why, would you want to do that? “I took my laptop on vacation with me! I was in constant contact with my office!” “Well, I had zoom meeting while my partner was in labor. Don’t you know that the docs wouldn’t let me bring the laptop into the OR during the C section? Very inconvenient.” I am a YA librarian. I talk to tweens and teens for a living. I read their books. I make plans for fun events and movies. My spouse accuses me of being an 8 year old boy in a very good disguise . Who needs a corporate ladder when you get to plan water balloon fights and butterfly releases?

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    Nancy Simpson  over 2 years ago

    Have any friends your own age to hang out with?

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    Publius10608218  over 2 years ago

    That’s funny my best childhood friend is getting married this fall, but we’ve both been so busy with college I find it hard to imagine us hanging out less ;/

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