I love that the dad’s cup says #2 Dad. Maybe that’s to inspire him to try harder???I’m curious about the three things stuck to the window by the plant. I’m not sure what they are?
We didn’t have seagulls here, but we had giant, meat-eating crows. In elementary school, I once threw a giant hamburger to them and one of those flying menaces swooped down and took the whole burger. I fear I gave them a taste for meat.
What I found interesting is that mom’s tropical island looks a lot like Wallace’s tropical island that he was dreaming about when he shucked off his clothes to lay beside a pot belly stove. All I can say is that I can tell all of them look like they are ready for spring. Except for Sterling…somehow i think he is ready for a lot more.
c001 almost 7 years ago
Strange. No one on the phone?
c001 almost 7 years ago
Strange. No one on the phone?
crookedwolf Premium Member almost 7 years ago
At least Dad will get his wish..
GirlGeek Premium Member almost 7 years ago
The #2 Dad mug is the funniest thing, who’s #1? Mom?
Mandolynn Premium Member almost 7 years ago
I love that the dad’s cup says #2 Dad. Maybe that’s to inspire him to try harder???I’m curious about the three things stuck to the window by the plant. I’m not sure what they are?
Ray Rappisi Jr Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Noticed the Nerf arrows on the window, HA!
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Darn that gull! Now iv’e got a craving for a bratwurst. :/
morningglory73 Premium Member almost 7 years ago
One Eyebrow, if he grows up, may just be a menace to society. Looks like a throwback to an ancient relative that never quite left the caves.
Brian Premium Member almost 7 years ago
We didn’t have seagulls here, but we had giant, meat-eating crows. In elementary school, I once threw a giant hamburger to them and one of those flying menaces swooped down and took the whole burger. I fear I gave them a taste for meat.
Kroykali almost 7 years ago
Is Will in the trash can?
Comics fan Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Racking up the Top 5 awards! Way to go, Will.
scyphi26 almost 7 years ago
Why is the trash can thinking about Will Henry? Does it not have anything more important to think about?
Ed_Bickford creator almost 7 years ago
huh huh huh FIRE! FIRE!
Fontessa almost 7 years ago
… and Sterling is thinking about being a Boy Scout.
WCraft Premium Member almost 7 years ago
The kid looking in the window is kind of scary
david_reaves Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Some have more obtainable dreams than others… I agree with Wallace— Dream Big!
wilburygirl almost 7 years ago
The seagull makes this panel
butterfly_qvrs almost 7 years ago
What I found interesting is that mom’s tropical island looks a lot like Wallace’s tropical island that he was dreaming about when he shucked off his clothes to lay beside a pot belly stove. All I can say is that I can tell all of them look like they are ready for spring. Except for Sterling…somehow i think he is ready for a lot more.
Darth Stevious almost 7 years ago
But that’s a campfire the kid’s imagining. Hardly menacing. Now if it had been the room they were in depicted as on fire it’d be another story…
nathan.jackman almost 7 years ago
This is just wonderful
Brick Tricks Webcomics almost 7 years ago
I love the art direction for this strip. It looks like sketchy and quick at first glance, but shows more layers of well-done art as you peer deeper.
Julian Dieter about 3 years ago
Sterling truly is a demon child