The earth is always moving (rotating in this case) … but it’s not that fast (relatively speaking). The moon should just take the picture when the side it wants is facing it.
… and … “Hey moon, why don’t you stop moving? You keep revolving around the earth – about once every month (moonth), in fact.”
C’mon. This is getting old. I am really tired of this game where GC pushes me an ad for a new comic that I end up following, and then discovering the comic is ending (and no, they aren’t really re-starting reruns, looking at you Bird and Moon), and/or the artist quit cartooning, or worse, they just used GC for a couple months to bait and switche folks over to another platform to keep following. “And another one bites the dust.” Time to clear more “not updated today” clutter.
This is why the geo-stationary satellite was invented by Arthur C. Clarke. He was told it was beyond the state of the art, so he was denied a patent. He used the idea in a story. When it did become technically feasible, he applied again for a patent. He was told that his story had put the idea into the public domain. Catch-22.
Fortunately, Arthur C. Clarke had many, many other arrows in his quiver.
Someone left this link. It has the latest Wawawiwa comics. Having said that I really miss seeing the comic here on GC! :(
papajim545 almost 3 years ago
Thank goodness, keeps us all grounded :)
Doug K almost 3 years ago
The earth is always moving (rotating in this case) … but it’s not that fast (relatively speaking). The moon should just take the picture when the side it wants is facing it.
… and … “Hey moon, why don’t you stop moving? You keep revolving around the earth – about once every month (moonth), in fact.”
Dobber Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Put the setting on panorama
eudeswal almost 3 years ago
What a beautiful and graceful strip… Laughs a lot
Publius10608218 almost 3 years ago
Circular distraction
MissyTiger almost 3 years ago
It’s a good thing that Terra doesn’t have the camera; she’d be getting mooned! :)
Gent almost 3 years ago
But you supposed to be moving around too, Mr. Moon.
kelseyjayne25 almost 3 years ago
Where is a new comic?
fuzzybritches over 2 years ago
angular momentum is a powerful thing . . .
Buoy over 2 years ago
Great new one on twitter!
speedy1701 over 2 years ago
Several new ones in the twitter feed …
ValancyCarmody Premium Member over 2 years ago
I hope this comes back, I always liked it
prairiedogdance Premium Member over 2 years ago
C’mon. This is getting old. I am really tired of this game where GC pushes me an ad for a new comic that I end up following, and then discovering the comic is ending (and no, they aren’t really re-starting reruns, looking at you Bird and Moon), and/or the artist quit cartooning, or worse, they just used GC for a couple months to bait and switche folks over to another platform to keep following. “And another one bites the dust.” Time to clear more “not updated today” clutter.
Buoy over 2 years ago
New one on twitter today.
Gamer Kiwi || over 2 years ago
There hasn’t been a new comic for more than 2 months
TheDadSnorlax Premium Member over 2 years ago
Gamer Kiwi || over 2 years ago
I call out for salvation,as we haven’t gotten a new comic in a month an 1 day
Buoy over 2 years ago
Nothing new on twitter either lately. Hope everything is alright.
Kool_Dog-any one (reporting bans in FOX news) over 2 years ago
Why no new comic
Gamer Kiwi || over 2 years ago
Why hasn’t there been a new comic since 3 months ago
Buoy over 2 years ago
Finally, a new comic on twitter. Maybe there is hope!
gmod Premium Member over 2 years ago
FYI: Creator will post sporadically to GC.
Gamer Kiwi || over 2 years ago
Gamer Kiwi || over 2 years ago
The marauders over 2 years ago
I’m sorry I’m sorry
Buoy over 2 years ago
Few and far between, but there’s a new one at the twitter link below.
Buoy over 2 years ago
A couple more lately.
Zebrastripes over 2 years ago
Why is WaWa not posting new toons? =~{
Julie478 Premium Member over 2 years ago
She posts regularly here
tims145 about 2 years ago
This was a sweet natured strip with creative ideas. I hope the artist is still off doing something uniquely himself.
Fuw. about 2 years ago
The proof that earth isn’t flat and it can’t stop moving
Zebrastripes about 2 years ago
Is this cartoon gone? ☹️
mistercatworks about 2 years ago
This is why the geo-stationary satellite was invented by Arthur C. Clarke. He was told it was beyond the state of the art, so he was denied a patent. He used the idea in a story. When it did become technically feasible, he applied again for a patent. He was told that his story had put the idea into the public domain. Catch-22.
Fortunately, Arthur C. Clarke had many, many other arrows in his quiver.
Zebrastripes almost 2 years ago
TheEvilMadScientistReturns S.P.A.M. almost 2 years ago
…how long til the next one?
Gent almost 2 years ago
It will soon be a whole year since last comic was posted here in March 2022. What happen?
klesmiley_ Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Someone left this link. It has the latest Wawawiwa comics. Having said that I really miss seeing the comic here on GC! :(
mistercatworks almost 2 years ago
For a couple of million dollars you can send a special camera into geostationary orbit and get a really nice picture. :)
Buoy almost 2 years ago
A new comic at the twitter link below.
oakie817 almost 2 years ago
humor with a new spin…like it
francy✨ about 1 year ago
Please do more comics
Gent 11 months ago
Hmm… This stuck since almost two years.
cactusbob333 8 months ago
You were blocking the sun last week. Glad you decided to move on.
mistercatworks 8 months ago
Hasn’t moved it two years. That should be enough.
Sue Ellen 8 months ago
Why does GoComics keep promoting this with “You might also like” links when it hasn’t updated in over two years?
Wacky Dawg Premium Member 20 days ago
When will a new one come?